NSW Community Pulse - September Update
NSW Community Pulse – September Update
NSW Community Pulse is a periodical Micromex Research Survey conducted with our online Panel to identify community concerns and explore attitudes towards topical subject areas.
In February 2020, Micromex undertook research with our online Panel to understand the attitudes of NSW’s community on a range of topics, including, but no exclusively, environmental and climate change-related issues (NSW Community Pulse: Long Hot Summer – 2020). Little did we know that just one month later the world would significantly change due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying economic, social and health related implications.
The February 2020 Community Pulse therefore acted as a baseline with which we could identify any shifts in community perceptions, when a second Wave was conducted in March. The new Community Pulse research additionally:
- Measured levels of concern across a range of community issues and identified how concerns had changed since the introduction of restrictions relating to COVID-19.
- Identified how NSW residents were being impacted by COVID-19, and perceptions of future impacts.
- Understand how residents were receiving information on COVID-19.
- Identify household size if isolation/lock-downs are required and residents that would have no daily face-to-face contact with another person.
Micromex’s latest report is the forth Community Pulse research and presents findings of the September 2020 Wave – This report looks at the continued impact of COVID-19 on the community and specifically, work-related impacts.
We have made the full report available here Community Perceptions Report – Wave 3 – September

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