Over the last decade Micromex has worked with over 90 LGAs regarding community sentiment. Through the process of conducting more than 120 LGA satisfaction studies and over 68,000 interviews, we have developed a set of Importance and Satisfaction Benchmarks to assist Local Government Organisations with policy and decision making.
The recency of our data is unmatched in NSW as we are able to compare individual Council results against the developed Council Benchmarks. Furthermore, we are able to explore results against a number of criteria, such as population and location.
See our infographic below for further details on our Performance Management Benchmarks.

In addition to our Importance and Satisfaction benchmarks, we have collated our wellbeing and CSP data in order to help Councils measure their performance, contact us today to find out more.
Reach Us
Let's talk about helping you reach your target market...
10/1 Bounty Close
Tuggerah NSW 2259
PO Box 5059
Chittaway Bay NSW 2261
What We Do
At Micromex we provide our clients with both qualitative and quantitative research solutions, driven by our highly experienced people and alongside the real benefit of our own in-house CATI centre and Australia wide field interview team.