Our Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Micromex Research is committed to the protection of an individual’s privacy. We adhere to the Code of Professional Behaviour of the Market and Social Research Society of Australia (AMSRS) and to the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s) that govern the way organisations collect, use, protect and disclose personal information.

Why do we collect personal information?
Personal information is collected and held for market and social research purposes only.
All research results are aggregated (i.e. we combine the answers of many people) and individual information is not disclosed to any parties who are not involved in the research project, unless explicit approval is provided by those individual participants.
Micromex Research does not disclose personal data to overseas recipients except under those terms that apply under the code of the Market and Social Research Society of Australia.
What Personal Information we collect
The type of personal information we collect depends on the nature of the research being undertaken, and could include:
• Geographic, such as postcode, state/territory, city, or full address.
• Behavioural, such as usage and purchase of products/services, or interactions with community services.
• Attitudinal, including feelings and opinions.
• Needs, such as what people want or need in terms of products and services
All participation in market research is voluntary. We respect the right of people to withhold information or not to participate in research on the basis of privacy or perceived sensitivity.

How do we collect personal information?
Market and social research may be conducted in person or via the telephone, mail or online. Our interviewers will always clearly identify themselves to respondents as being from Micromex Research, and in the case of face-to-face interviews will have ID.
We sometimes obtain personal information about people from publicly available sources such as the telephone directory and sometimes from our clients who hold information about people they would like us to conduct research with (for example customers or clients). We conduct research for parties on the basis that they adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles, which commenced 12 March 2014. For some research projects we are provided with information about people by a third party, for example, recruiters or list providers which have opt-in databases for research participation.
For the duration of a research project and six months after completion, Micromex Research may hold lists of names and contact details of respondents so that necessary follow up and quality control is possible.
Protecting the data from misuse
Micromex Research takes all reasonable precautions to protect information held about people.
All our systems are security protected and all employees sign a confidentiality agreement upon commencing employment with us.
We will destroy all personal information as soon as it is no longer required for research purposes. Our standard process is to destroy personal data after 6 months of completion of a research project.

Client-Provided Lists
Clients may provide Micromex Research with lists to be used for research sampling purposes, such as to recruit focus groups or in-depth interviews or conduct surveys – details contained in these lists are not used by Micromex Research for any other purpose.
We accept these lists from our clients on the basis that all customer information was originally collected in a manner consistent with current Australian Privacy Principles. In particular, all listed customers were provided with the opportunity to indicate that they did not wish to be contacted for research purposes, and that those who so indicated were excluded from these lists.
Client-supplied sample must be password protected and access within Micromex Research would be restricted to staff involved in the project during the life of the project (for example, Project Manager, Survey Programmer, Field Manager).
If any customers that we contact from these lists indicate that they do not wish to be contacted for any future client research studies, we will advise our client of their details so that they can be excluded from any future research lists.
At the end of a study, we will destroy all copies of these customer lists. Our standard process is to destroy customer lists after 6 months.
We ensure personal information is stored securely and not misused or disclosed in any unauthorised way.
How to access your personal information
As set out in the Australian Privacy Principles, as long as information remains identifiable a respondent may request access to, or deletion of, any personal information that is held by Micromex Research, by contacting our Privacy Officer.
Any queries, request for correction or complaints should be addressed to:
The Privacy Officer
Micromex Research
PO Box 5059
Tel (02) 4352 2388

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Let's talk about helping you reach your target market...
10/1 Bounty Close
Tuggerah NSW 2259
PO Box 5059
Chittaway Bay NSW 2261
What We Do
At Micromex we provide our clients with both qualitative and quantitative research solutions, driven by our highly experienced people and alongside the real benefit of our own in-house CATI centre and Australia wide field interview team.